
How much does SEO cost for my website?

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There are 3 things to take into consideration when estimating how much SEO will cost for your website. Those three things are:

  • What are the current costs to get traffic to my site from a LTV perspective?
  • What categories do you want to focus on for your website?
  • What is my expected budget for my project? and can the SEO project be completed in phases

What are the current costs to get traffic to my site from a LTV perspective?

You should always be viewing your website in terms of revenue from a lifetime value perspective (LTV). This is the amount of revenue you expect from each customer on average as they move through the sales process. This number can be hard to guage but it improves over time as you see how customers are moving through your website. You can first come up with an estimate and then modify that estimate as you get additonal analytics on your site.

What categories do you want to focus on for your website?

The one things that will impact your website SEO and the cost is trying to serve too many masters. You cant be everything to everyone. You need to decide the relevant categories that apply to your business and focus on those categories. The reason is because as you become laser focused, your SEO becomes a lot easier. You start to attract the website visitors via search a lot easier because you are speaking their language. They feel connected to your content and they spend more time on page

Search engines count time on page as a factor in determining how valuable your content is once users land on your website. You can consider that your SEO costs are being lowered because you have streamlined the topics you want to talk about. This makes the SEO process easier and that will bring your costs down. You can start lightly at first and then test to see the effects of your copy.

What is my expected budget for my project? and can the SEO project be completed in phases

You dont need to eat the elephant all at once. You can create your SEO content in phases. Just need to make sure that your content has the right components that pluses are placed in your favor on the content you produce. You can do your content in phases and check your analytics to see the effect of the changes you have made. SEO is a long term game as you will be benefitting from the content for years to come.

Additional considerations

When visitors arrive to your website, one of the main things you want to focus on is completing micro-conversions such as capturing email addresses. Along with capturing email addresses, you need to see if there are any other conversions that can be performed. Examples of those conversions include having customers proceed through your funnel so you can collect analytical data on how users move through your website. This is analytical gold to understanding how you can make minor and major improvements to your website that can increase the conversion rate on your website.

There are many benefits to performing and SEO audit. You need to make sure that the factors across your website are being addressed such as meta keywords, meta description, strong title tags, content length and a host of other things. All of these items matter has they will be taken into consideration when search engines factor this into your completed SEO content.

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