
Client Question: Way a company can be successful with social media marketing

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From our research of the questions we receive from customers, we consider this as one of the important ones:

way a company can be successful with social media marketing

The advice that we offer to clients and what will make the most impact is an answer that they do not normally expect and this is CONSISTENCY.

Being social means that on all platforms, you are being consistent in posting content because that is the expectation on these platforms. Your possible connections or friends or customers are expecting you to be social on social platforms. It sounds like this should be a given when I explain it to our customers but they either touch platforms too lightly or they focus on platforms that they feel comfortable on.

One of the goals that we place on the table for our customers is that we are going to consistently post on social media on their behalf and we will make sure that they information posted is of VALUE to their customers. That is the second point that you should relate to with your customers. They are looking for value in the information that is being posted online.

The last of the great lessons we have learned based on the social media campaigns we have run for our customers is that you need need DISCIPLINE to be consistently posting value for your customers. You can see that based on the structure of this post we have tried to connect the dots on the required pillars for a great social media presence. You do not have to do it alone and we offer great packages that will keep your presence active online and helping you win new business.

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