
Client Question: Free web hosting with cpanel php and mysql

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We are not able to offer our hosting services for free but based on this question, we know that we can offer the highest value and I can prove it.

Free web hosting with cpanel php and mysql

If you have dealt with any of the major providers, you know that the one thing they spend major dollars on is marketing. If you see a celebrity in an ad, just know you are going to pay for it either now or in the future. The one hardcore fact that you can be sure of is that you will see price increases the longer you use the service. They have already run the numbers on how much time you will spend on the platform to know you are locked in. And that is their goal at the end of the fiscal quarter is to lock in as many customers as possible for the maximum amount of profit. You have been warned.

Feature Rich Control Panel

The one thing you can be certain of when you get a cpanel with your web hosting is that there will be many features. You are essentially getting all of the tools you need to successfully host your website. Included in those features is the ability to create email accounts. The number of email account that you can create depends on your hosting provider. This will give you a professional presence right away because you are able to send and receive emails using your domain name.

Cpanel control panel

You have access to MySQL databases. All websites run on databases even if you install Wordpress which heavily release on databases but takes care of most of the heavy lifting behind the scenes.

Our Approach

We have a bit of a different approach. We are not offering our services a la carte but rather you have access to all services with your hosting package. The only true limit we put on our clients is not to do anything bad on the server. Those things will get you booted. Other than that, you have full reign to make money online, use the required MySQL databases and have the appropriate PHP version you need to run all of your applications.

We want you to have a home online but we want you to do it in a way that creates a win-win for you and us. You can check out our hosting packages and get our concierge service to help you along the to create the best online experience for your fans and customers.

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