
You Catch More Flies With Honey...Seriously

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There are a number of ways that you can find out the topics that your clients want to review. The easiest and most high powered tool is the Google search engine. Here is the psychology of this approach.

The Power Of The Google Search

If you have a topic that you want to talk about, you can go to the Google search engine and type in that topic. The powerful Google algorithm returns the most relevant results based on that topic. You can study the top 3 results and look at the different factors on the page like how they are approaching the topic, what information that is being provided that you would consider valuable, how have things been positioned on the page, what colors are appealing to the visitors of the site, is there anything that really stands out about the page from your perspective. You are trying to get into the mind of your consumer.

Gathering Ideas

The absolutely benefit of being online is understanding the ideas of your competitors, especially the ones that have a big budget that have proven to work. This is one of the highlights of looking at the top three results on a Google search.

ChatGPT As A Support Candidate

The newest tool in the block and there are even more coming is ChatGPT. You are able to use this tool to understand concepts and how it is organized. You can use the information generated in ChatGPT is idea starters and then build on top of those ideas.

Maximize Your Digital Snapshot

One of your top goals is to maximize your digital snapshot. What I mean by that is if you present a critical first impression, this will make the difference in whether a customer decides to buy or move on to your competitor. You are trying to maximize this effort by putting your best foot forward i.e. best informational text, best sales copy, best user experience, best checkout process, best follow up. If you keep an eye focused on this effort, you will notice that your conversion rates will increase.

Your goal for this research should be what information is currently on the mind of your consumer and what information could they possibly be concerned about in the future.

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